Get started now!

And save time & money with just a few clicks.

Never miss a maintenance date again! Regular maintenance not only helps you with your insurance claims, but also brings:

  • increased device durability
  • more efficient device usage, resulting in a lower energy bill
  • save operation for all devices
  • more efficient human resource usage through task assignment.

Check out MyBuilding24 for free for up to 10 of your devices.

Objects are buildings/locations like your home or a branch of your company.

  1. Click in the Main navigation on property management
  2. Click on + at the top right
  3. Choose an appropriate name for your object (e.g. office)
  4. Enter the address where the object is located.
  5. Click on "Save"
Data entry for an object.
Data entry for an object.

Tip: All information can be changed later, see Edit object.

You can now add devices to the newly created object.

Devices are all entities subjected to regular maintenance.

  1. Switch to the Individual view of the object, for which the device should be created.
  2. Click on “Create”
  3. Select System requiring maintenance
  4. Choose a suitable category
  5. Click on “Quick Create”

You can now add tasks to your device.

Tasks are all steps involved in your device's maintenance needs.

Select your just added device, and add a task like "maintenance", "cleaning", "installation", "check-up" etc. Should your particular need not be represented in our defaults you can add your own!

Congratulations! You just made the first step to revolutionizing your device maintenance! Check out our documentation for further assistance. Or just contact us directly should have any questions!

Still have questions?

We are certain: MyBuilding24 will revolutionize how you maintain equipment! We look forward to receiving your enquiry!