Ticket system and process management for property management companies
The MyBuilding24 ticket system is an intuitive solution that was specifically designed for process management relating to maintenance. Seamlessly integrated into MyBuilding24, this function simplifies communication in the event of damage and helps Always keep an eye on the status of repairs and other property management processes.
Any employee can create a ticket. A ticket manager assigns the ticket to an appropriate employee for further processing, which offers numerous advantages in everyday maintenance.
Definition of Ticket Management Property Management
Benefits of Ticket Management Property Management
Using a ticket system in property management offers numerous advantages. A digital ticket system like the one MyBuilding24 provides enables problems to be processed transparently and simplifies communication. This makes it easier comprehensible processing of processes and thus also the bundling of necessary resources, which in turn better budget planning enabled.
Distribute tasks and keep an eye on them
The ticket system includes a task distribution system that allows the ticket manager to assign the right employees to the appropriate repairs. The status of each ticket can be updated automatically or manually. Like a traffic light system, progress can always be tracked.
Save resources and costs
A ticket system not only unifies property management processes, but also helps with the early detection of problems, which promotes efficient planning. This leads to more economical use of existing resources. If used carefully, you can save time and money.
Intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate between features
The ticket system offers a user-friendly interface that is based on established conventions for working with tickets. Additionally, media such as photos can be easily added to improve communication for specific tasks and avoid misunderstandings.
quality assurance
The use of tickets in the property management and facility management process ensures effective quality assurance. The central processing of tickets The app provides bundled information and online accessible data for everyone involved.
As soon as a ticket is marked as completed, it is the responsibility of the person responsible in facility management to confirm its success. This enables a transparent assessment of the service provided and ensures a smooth process.
Necessary information for ticket management property management
MyBuilding24's ticket system allows you to add images of the problem and mark the exact location of the problem. Important information such as relevant documents on the affected devices or objects can be accessed with just a few clicks.
This is particularly helpful in the context of real estate management, for example, as there can be numerous objects on which numerous employees and/or service providers could be involved in the work of a ticket.
Identification of roles and responsibilities
Employees can be assigned different roles and responsibilities within the ticket system. From the ticket creator who creates tickets to the ticket manager who coordinates repair orders and assigns employees, efficient coordination is reliably made possible.
Relevant documents and records to keep track of
MyBuilding24 documents exactly the steps involved in processing a ticket. It is also always possible to trace who carried out which step, who approved it and finally marked the ticket as completed. These important functions create uniform structures. Documents and recordings are always available, which helps to identify common problems and responsible employees, especially with recurring tasks.
The role of the responsible employee in ticket management property management
Ticket management only makes sense if it is operated conscientiously and reliably. In MyBuilding24, tickets are explicitly assigned to employees so that responsibility is always clarified. The app helps everyone involved to always receive updates through regular notifications.
Recurring tasks that an employee should be responsible for
Even with routine, recurring tasks, exceptions can occur. Ticket management is particularly helpful in property management because it standardizes the process and makes it easier to assign employee responsibility.
Digital solutions for ticket management property management
Tickets are managed directly through MyBuilding24, with no additional hardware or software requirements. Central storage of tickets allows easy access for everyone involved. Property managers can therefore always rely on existing tickets in order to act preventively in the future through error analysis.
Test our app as ticket management for your property management
MyBuilding24 is available for mobile devices on iOS/Android. Likewise, you can use the app as a web app on your desktop or laptop computer!
The most important questions about ticket management
How can a ticket system help track maintenance requests and work?
A ticket system enables maintenance requests to be systematically recorded, tracked and resolved. It
offers a uniform platform for structuring and organizing tasks.
How can a ticket system improve communication between employees and technicians?
By providing centralized communication channels, a ticket system enables clear
Assignment of responsibilities and promotes the exchange of information between employees and
technicians. This improves efficiency and accuracy when processing requests.
Still have questions?
We are certain: MyBuilding24 will revolutionize how you maintain equipment! We look forward to receiving your enquiry!