Maintenance of forklifts and industrial trucks

The most important thing between shelf and truck

The reliable inspection, testing and maintenance of powered industrial trucks in particular, such as forklift trucks, electric pallet trucks and other internal transportation equipment, is a decisive factor for operational safety and efficiency. Forklift trucks, electric pallet trucks and other internal transport equipment, is a decisive factor for operational safety and efficiency in warehousing and logistics areas and is required by law.

As a result, accidents at work, costly repairs and operational disruptions can be avoided, thus ensuring productivity.

The most important aspects for the safe and reliable use of industrial trucks

When using industrial trucks, there are numerous important aspects to ensure the safety of people, the efficiency of work processes and the long-term economic use of the machines:

Safety regulations and training

  • Qualified operators – Only persons who are specially trained (e.g. forklift license) and authorized may operate industrial trucks.
  • Regular training – Operators must receive task and work equipment-specific training before using the equipment for the first time and regularly thereafter in order to keep their knowledge and skills up to date.

Regular inspection, maintenance and testing

  • Daily inspections – Before each use, the user should carry out a visual inspection of the industrial truck. This involves checking whether there is any apparent damage and whether the safety equipment, brakes, steering, horn, lighting and tires are working properly. Only then should the truck be used.
  • Regular maintenance – Industrial trucks should be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications in order to avoid technical defects and breakdowns. According to § 16 of the Work Equipment Ordinance, this must be planned and carried out by a suitably qualified person. The maintenance activities carried out must be documented in writing in maintenance logbooks, stating the components serviced
  • Statutory inspection obligation – Statutory regulations (inspection in accordance with §8 of the Work Equipment Ordinance, ÖNORM M9801) and internal company safety guidelines must be complied with in order to ensure safe use and prevent accidents.

Safe driving operation

  • Speed – Always drive at an appropriate speed and adapt it to the working environment and load.
  • Visibility – Ensure that the driver always has a good view. If visibility is restricted (e.g. due to heavy loads), reverse or call in a second person to guide you.
  • Keep your distance – Always keep a safe distance from other vehicles and people.
  • Safe load support – loads must be evenly distributed and securely fixed to prevent tipping or falling.

Working environment

  • Marking of traffic routes – Storage and production areas should have clear markings for industrial trucks and pedestrians.
  • Avoid danger zones – areas with heavy pedestrian traffic should be avoided as far as possible or driven through with particular care.
  • Floor conditions – The floor must be suitable for the use of industrial trucks and free of obstacles.

Safe loading and unloading

  • Avoid overloading – industrial trucks must not be loaded beyond their maximum load capacity.
  • Stability of loads – Loads must be positioned in such a way that stability is ensured and they do not slip or tip during transportation.

personal protective equipment

  • Safety equipment – Drivers should always wear suitable personal protective equipment, such as safety shoes, helmets or gloves.
  • Observing these points makes a decisive contribution to safety and efficiency when using industrial trucks and helps to minimize accidents, damage and downtime.

Requirements for the use of industrial trucks

In Austria, there are clear legal provisions and regulations for the use of industrial trucks. These are primarily intended to ensure occupational safety and prevent accidents. The most important requirements include

Minimum age and qualification

  • The minimum age for operating motorized industrial trucks, such as forklift trucks, is generally 18 years.
  • The driver must have sufficient physical and mental aptitude to operate an industrial truck safely.

Forklift license

  • A valid forklift license (driving license) is required to operate industrial trucks, especially forklifts, in Austria. This is a legally required qualification that is issued after training and passing a test.
  • The forklift license requires both practical and theoretical training. The training covers topics such as occupational safety, vehicle technology, load handling techniques and behavior in hazardous situations.
  • Only recognized training centres or authorized trainers may offer this training.

Operating instructions and instruction

  • For the use of industrial trucks, the employer must draw up specific operating instructions that regulate the safe handling of the machines. These must be available to employees in written form.
  • All users of industrial trucks must be instructed regularly, and at least once a year, on the safe handling of the vehicles. This includes both technical aspects and safety regulations in the workplace.

Technical requirements

  • Industrial trucks must be regularly maintained and inspected in accordance with regulations. The employer is obliged to check the machines for road safety at regular intervals in order to prevent accidents and breakdowns.
  • Industrial trucks must comply with the technical safety standards set out in the relevant standards and regulations. This includes, for example, being equipped with safety devices such as a horn, lights and functioning brakes.

Road safety in operation

  • Internal traffic rules must be defined to regulate the safe operation of industrial trucks. These include clear route markings, speed limits and priority rules.
  • Industrial trucks may only be used if visibility is sufficient and the working environment is suitable for safe operation.

In summary, the following requirements must be met in Austria:

  • Drivers must be at least 18 years old and in good health.
  • A valid forklift license is required.
  • Regular instruction and training on safe handling.
  • Industrial trucks must be regularly maintained and in perfect technical condition.
  • Internal company traffic regulations and health and safety regulations must be observed.

Compliance with these regulations ensures safety in operation and protects both operators and their colleagues from accidents.

Legal obligations

In Austria, industrial trucks are also subject to certain legal requirements regarding use, regular inspections and maintenance.

The Employee Protection Act (ASchG) regulates general occupational health and safety in Austria. It obliges employers to ensure that only qualified and trained persons are allowed to operate industrial trucks. Employers must also ensure that the machines are kept in a safe condition.

The recurring inspection (in most cases every 12 months, at most every 15 months) is regulated in the Work Equipment Ordinance (§ 8 AM-VO) and the implementation in ÖNORM M 9801, which are intended to ensure the safety and functionality of the work equipment.

The following industrial trucks must be inspected at regular intervals:

  • Motorized industrial trucks

All motorized industrial trucks, especially those with a lifting function, must be checked regularly. This includes

  • Forklift trucks (diesel, gas and electric forklift trucks)
  • Forklift truck (electrically or manually driven)
  • Reach truck
  • Telescopic forklift
  • Tugboat
  • Manual and electric pallet trucks/forklifts

Power-operated pallet trucks/forklifts: All power-operated pallet trucks and forklifts are subject to periodic inspection.

Manual pallet trucks: Regular inspections may also be necessary for manually operated pallet trucks, especially if they have a lifting function or are used to transport heavy loads.

  • Industrial trucks with passenger transport

Industrial trucks that are used to transport people, such as special lifting platforms or work platforms, must also be inspected regularly. Testing is particularly important here to ensure the safety of people working with the equipment.

  • High lift trucks and other lifting devices

All pallet trucks that can lift loads to greater heights and similar industrial trucks with a lifting function must be checked regularly. This applies in particular to equipment used in warehouses or production facilities.

  • Special devices

Special industrial trucks, such as storage and retrieval machines in automated high-bay warehouses, are also subject to periodic inspections. Additional safety requirements are relevant here, as these machines often operate autonomously or remotely and interact with sensitive storage systems.

Who is authorized to carry out tests on industrial trucks?

In Austria, industrial trucks may only be inspected by appropriately qualified and authorized persons. These persons must have specific knowledge of the machines, their function and the safety requirements and provide evidence of the necessary training and experience.

The requirements for inspectors are regulated in the Work Equipment Ordinance (AM-VO).

The following groups of persons are authorized to inspect industrial trucks:

  1. Competent persons
  2. Testing and maintenance services
  3. Manufacturer
  4. Test engineers
  5. Civil engineer
  6. Experts

Requirements for the examiner include

  • The inspector must have completed specialist training (technical or craft training), ideally with a focus on mechanical engineering, mechatronics or a similar discipline.
  • He must have gained sufficient experience in the maintenance and inspection of industrial trucks to recognize possible defects or sources of danger.
  • The inspector must have knowledge of the current regulations, legal provisions, relevant standards (e.g. ÖNORM, EN standards) and be familiar with the technical requirements.
  • The inspector must be able to professionally inspect all safety-relevant aspects of the industrial truck, such as brakes, steering, hydraulics, electronics and general mechanics.
  • The inspection must be carried out objectively and independently to ensure that all safety-relevant defects are uncovered.
  • In many cases, competent persons must complete additional training or certification in relation to the inspection of industrial trucks. These training courses are often offered by recognized training centers or manufacturers.


An inspection report (inspection logbook) must be drawn up for each inspection, documenting the condition of the industrial truck. This report must contain all defects found and their rectification and must be kept by the employer.

Practical tips for the safe use of industrial trucks

There are some important safety and operating instructions to be observed when operating industrial trucks (such as forklift trucks or ants):

Training and qualification:

  • Make sure that you have valid training and a driver’s license for the specific industrial truck. The training should cover all relevant safety and operating regulations.

Safety equipment:

  • Wear suitable protective clothing, such as safety boots and a hard hat.
  • If industrial trucks are fitted with a safety belt, this should always be worn.

Before use:

  • Check the industrial truck for possible defects or damage before use. This includes checking the brakes, lights, tires, fluid levels and forks.
  • Familiarize yourself with the operating instructions and the specific functions of the vehicle.

Operational safety:

  • Make sure that the loads are placed safely and correctly on the forks and that the load capacity of the industrial truck is not exceeded.
  • Make sure you have a clear view of the work area. Use additional mirrors or aids if necessary.
  • Do not ride too fast and adapt your speed to the conditions, especially in narrow or busy areas.

Storage and transportation conditions:

  • Avoid overloading and ensure that the load is evenly distributed.
  • Use fixed routes and avoid driving on unsecured or uneven surfaces.

Safety measures:

  • Use the horn and warning lights to alert other people in the work area to your presence.
  • Keep sufficient distance from other people and obstacles.

Storage and parking:

  • Park the industrial truck safely and switch off the engine. Ensure that the forks are resting on the ground and the lifting mechanism is locked.

Emergency measures:

  • Be aware of the emergency and evacuation procedures in the company and know the locations of fire extinguishers and emergency stop switches.

By following these instructions, you will contribute to safety in the workplace and minimize the risk of accidents and damage.

What effect does a lack of maintenance have?

Failure to maintain industrial trucks can have a significant negative impact on both the safety and performance of the vehicle. Here are the main consequences:

Security risks:

  • Unmaintained brakes can lose power or fail completely, which can lead to dangerous situations, especially in narrow or busy areas.
  • Lack of control of steering, hydraulics and stability can lead to accidents such as collisions, tipping over or uncontrolled lifting and lowering.
  • Worn or damaged forks can lead to loads being transported incorrectly or unsafely, which increases the risk of falls and injuries.

Increased wear and operating faults:

  • Regular maintenance extends the service life of industrial trucks. Without maintenance, the wear on mechanical and electrical components increases, which leads to more frequent breakdowns and a shorter service life.
  • Unexpected technical faults lead to unscheduled downtime, which disrupts the workflow and impairs productivity.

Higher repair costs:

  • Minor problems that could be detected early through regular maintenance can develop into larger and more expensive repairs. For example, a defective hydraulic pump can lead to a total failure of the lifting mechanism.
  • Some manufacturers require regular maintenance in order to make warranty claims. If maintenance is not carried out, this may invalidate the warranty, making expensive repairs necessary at your own expense.

Reduced efficiency:

  • An industrial truck that is not properly maintained can lose performance and efficiency, e.g. due to reduced lifting power or slower movement speeds.
  • Technical defects can lead to inefficient use of energy, which increases electricity or fuel consumption.

Increased liability and legal consequences:

  • In many countries, regular maintenance is required by law. Failure to carry out maintenance can lead to legal consequences, such as fines or the closure of operating units by supervisory authorities.
  • If an accident occurs due to a maintenance-related technical defect, the operator can be held liable, which can lead to claims for damages or even criminal prosecution.

Poor morale and loss of trust:

  • Employees may lose confidence in the machines if they regularly break down or are unsafe, which can have a negative impact on morale and productivity.
  • Frequent disruptions or inefficient vehicles lead to delays in work processes, which can extend working times.

Regular maintenance is therefore crucial to ensure safety and maximize the efficiency and service life of the appliance.

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